Increase Flexibility
Improve Circulation
Improve Performance
Improve your mood
Reduce Inflammation
Improve Mobility
the basics…
Your first appointment will involve a discussion around your expectations of your treatment. You will then receive a full assessment of your movement, muscle composition and posture - your massage will be structured around these outcomes and your preferences.
During your massage, you may be required to move in order to enhance particular mobilisation / manipulation techniques, it is important you provide us with any feedback so that we are always on the same page!
After your treatment, we will discuss you plan going forward - this could include anything from a few stretches/exercises to do at home, self-care for post-injuries or booking a Physiotherapy appointment if indicated.
What to expect post-treatment?
Possible sore areas and minimal to NO bruising - You may experience some soreness in areas which may have been worked deeply. If you are significantly prone to bruising, this may be normal for you. Sports massage does involve high levels of deep tissue work, however, specific time and technique are spent “warming” the muscles in order to prevent damage to the tissue.
Increased thirst - Deep tissue massage involves much movement through the multiple layers of tissues in the body, these tissues hold much chemicals, free-radicals, toxins, etc. It is completely normal for the body to want to flush these substances and the best way for it to do that is through the renal system / urination - it is therefore advised to drink at least 1.5 litres of water post-treatment.
Fatigue / bounds of energy - This can really vary and is very much according to what you and your body required and got out of the therapy.
Why get a massage from a Physiotherapist?
We will keep it short and very, very sweet - Physiotherapists are THE masters of anatomy and movement. Massage is not an exercise of simply “rubbing” areas of muscle tissue around the body, it is an art. The more one can understand the “map” of the body, the better the therapeutic outcome.
Thus! - If there is anyone who will have the background “art of the physical body” knowledge - it would be a Physio.
Things to bring
Suitable attire - Loose fitting clothes, easy to remove and will not show massage lotion/oil residue. Depending on your area of massage, you will likely be requested to dress down to your underwear (this is still completely your choice). You will be given ample time to change, place yourself on the bed and then covered up with a full-body towel. In addition, your posture and movement assessment will provide more feedback to your therapist if the key areas of the body are exposed.
If you are receiving treatment at home - we recommend warming the room prior to the treatment, just to ensure you do not get too cold.
Hair band - keeping your locks up and out the way.
Water - as explained above!
Medical documents - ONLY if you feel it is completely necessary, this is not compulsory.
We offer treatments of 60-90 minutes long.